We’re pleased to have presented three papers and a poster at this year’s annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Hollywood, Florida:

  • “The Opportunity Survey: Understanding the Roots of Attitudes on Inequality,” produced by Langer Research Associates for The Opportunity Agenda, presents our findings on the underlying values and beliefs that inform perceptions of inequality in U.S. society and views on policies intended to address it. Our report includes regression modeling and cluster analysis identifying like-minded groups in terms of these attitudes.
  • “2014: Right Turn on a Bumpy Road,” presents our analysis of ABC News/Washington Post polls on the 2014 midterm elections and a look ahead to 2016. The report summarizes relevant economic and political data, tracks partisanship since 1981 and the course of consumer sentiment since the Great Recession, correlates economic and political attitudes with House vote and presents results of our 2014 Discontent Index and our more recent PxP (preference x priority) scores on policy issues in the presidential contest ahead.
  • “Afghanistan: After the Election” presents our analysis of post-election polling in Afghanistan produced by the Afghan Center for Socio-economic and Opinion Research, D3 Systems and Langer Research Associates.

Additionally, Research Analyst Greg Holyk presented a poster evaluating 2016 vote preference questions in the 2014 exit poll.