Langer Research Associates contributed four presentations to this year’s annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Orlando, Florida. Among them, Research Analyst Gregory Holyk and Eran Ben-Porath of Social Science Research Solutions presented “Sampling Low-Income Californians to Assess their Healthcare Preferences,” prepared by Research Analyst Julie Phelan with Holyk, Ben-Porath, Gary Langer and David Dutwin of SSRS. The paper presented our innovative approach to sampling the hard-to-reach population of Californians with incomes less than 200 percent of the federal poverty level, as well as substantive findings of that project for Blue Shield of California Foundation.

Additionally, Langer presented “The 2012 Republican Primaries and the Campaign Ahead,” prepared with Research Analyst Damla Ergun, Holyk and Patrick Moynihan of Harvard University (see the National Journal coverage here); “Survey Standards in Academia: A Look Behind the Ivy” (at the luncheon meeting of the Association of Academic Survey Research Organizations); and “In Defense of Probability: Are the Times a’Changing?” Langer served as discussant at another AAPOR session, and Ergun and Holyk chaired sessions.