Blue Shield of California Foundation has published a series of issue briefs prepared by Langer Research Associates reporting on health care experiences and attitudes among poor and near-poor Californians. The four briefs elaborate on findings from our full report, “On the Cusp of Change: The Healthcare Preferences of Low-Income Californians,” published by the Foundation in June 2011.

One issue brief focuses on views among patients of Community Clinics and Health Centers in the state; another, on public clinic patients; and a third, on the private patient population. The fourth brief analyzes key differences across regions of the state. See them here.

Results of the full “On the Cusp of Change” study have been widely discussed by healthcare providers and policy makers in California and beyond as traditional safety net providers prepare for the new health care marketplace under the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Langer Research Associates and our field work partner, Social Science Research Solutions, will present our approach to the sampling challenges the study raised, as well as an overview of findings, at the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research in Orlando, Florida, in May.