Americans by a 22-point margin see Kamala Harris as the winner of last week’s presidential debate and 37 percent in the latest ABC News/Ipsos poll say her performance made them see her more favorably – compared with 17 percent who say the same of her opponent, Donald Trump. Still the poll finds the contest essentially unchanged from pre-debate levels: While Harris maintains her small lead overall, Trump holds steady advantages in trust to handle the economy and inflation, the two issues Americans consistently say will be most important in determining their vote. In another illustration of just how locked-in the electorate is, the poll finds no positive impact for Harris from singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s recent endorsement: Just 6 percent of voters say it makes them more likely to vote for her, vs. 13 percent less likely. See coverage of the poll in Forbes, Barron’s, Mother Jones, The New York Post, Newsweek and The Hill, here and here.