The range of our work at Langer Research Associates was on display at the past week’s annual meetings of the American Association for Public Opinion Research and the World Association for Public Opinion Research in Austin, Texas, where we presented five papers and two posters and demonstrated PARC™, our knowledge management software application for survey research professionals.

Joined by our research partners at ESPN Consumer Insights, we presented “The New Living Room: How Americans View their Video,” an in-depth study of changing video consumption habits. In another joint presentation, with our colleagues at the National Sleep Foundation, we reported on the Foundation’s new Sleep Health Index, a robust and accessible tool for tracking the public’s sleep health.

We were joined by our partners at Counterpart International and D3 Systems Inc. in summarizing a detailed report on the effectiveness of a USAID-funded community development program in Bangladesh. And Gary Langer and Senior Research Analyst Chad Kiewiet de Jonge co-presented our analysis of the 2016 presidential election for ABC News, including a summary of Republican and Democratic primary exit poll results and our evaluation of the attitudinal roots of support for Donald Trump.

We presented an evaluation of public attitudes on climate change and their potential role in the 2016 election. Research Analyst Margaret Tyson contributed a poster on our test of the accuracy of gender coding by telephone interviewers. And we presented a poster describing PARC, the Polling Archive, our cloud-based software application that seamlessly stores, searches and retrieves essential survey materials.

A record of nearly 1,200 researchers attended this year’s AAPOR conference, held jointly this year with WAPOR. We were honored to participate, to learn from our colleagues and to share these examples of our own work.