Donald Trump scares millennial women, nearly half are uninspired by their choices for president – and when it comes to dinner with one of the candidates, four in 10 are already booked.

A remarkable 63 percent of women age 18 to 35 in an ABC News/Refinery29 poll say Trump scares them. Nearly half, 47 percent, don’t find any of the presidential candidates inspiring – including the one seeking to become the first female president. And when asked if there are any with whom they’d like to have dinner, another plurality, 39 percent, turns down the offer.

One reason: Half of these women say the candidates are not really discussing issues important to them, a major turn-off in terms of interest, voting intention and dinner arrangements alike. Young black women, in particular, say the campaign has failed to address the issues they care about most.

The national survey, produced for ABC News and Refinery29 by Langer Research Associates, covers a range of political and social concerns, from election issues to views on bias against women to student loan debt.

See Refinery29’s gorgeous coverage here, ABC News’ here and our source report here.