Young adults in a new Fusion 2016 Issues poll tilt slightly in favor of a federal apology for slavery but broadly oppose monetary reparations for past racial discrimination. Most also think people judge Barack Obama more harshly because he’s black – and more pick Bernie Sanders than Hillary Clinton as likeliest to appoint minorities to positions of power.

Fusion’s latest random-sample national telephone survey of 1,045 18- to 35-year-olds, focused on racial issues, finds differences within racial and ethnic groups in most of these views, marking the extent to which such divisions extend to the younger generation of American adults.

The survey is the latest in a series of polls of millennials produced for the network by Langer Research Associates. Focused on social and political issues of concern to the millennial generation, Fusion’s 2016 Issues Poll will be an ongoing fixture in the election year ahead.

See Fusion’s report here and our source analysis here.