We try not to focus our political polling for ABC News on the horse race; we’re more interested in covering why and how people come to their choices than in simply reciting the score of the game. That said, fascination with the horse race runs high, and inescapably it’s one metric used to assess poll performance. So here it is: Our final pre-election estimate in our 10/26 ABC News/Washington Post poll had the national House vote among likely voters at 44-50 percent, D-R, +6 for the Republicans. The latest actual vote count from the AP puts the outcome at 46-52 percent, D-R, +6 for the Republicans.

In addition, our analysis of the 2014 exit polls, reported on ABCNews.com, has been cited by other news organizations including Politico (in the vaunted Mike Allen’s Playbook), Forbes, Yahoo News, the Christian Science Monitor and the Huffington Post. Separately, International Business Times quotes Gary Langer on data quality.