May 2013

ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Budget Cuts Get Personal; Those Who Are Hurt, Holler (full pdf here)

Support for Legal Status Holds; So Do Sizable Partison Divisions (full pdf here)

Public Sharply Critical on IRS, Benghazi; But Economy Cuts Obama Some Slack (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Poll Finds Majority Acceptance of Gays from the B-ball Court to the Boy Scouts (full pdf here)

Seven in 10 Support the Death Penalty If Accused Boston Bomber Is Convicted (full pdf here)

April 2013

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Most View Knox Sympathetically (full pdf here)

G.W. Bush Advances in Esteem Yet Still with More Brush to Cut (full pdf here)

With April 15 Looming, ‘Tis the Season to Duck (full pdf here)

Public Views on Immigration Reform Underscore the GOP’s Conundrum (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Support for Gun Checks Stays High; Two-Thirds Back a Path for Immigrants (full pdf here)

March 2013

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Congress Improves Among Hispanics; Obama, SCOTUS Hold Majority Popularity (full pdf here)

Most Back Cuts Overall – But Not to the Military (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Poll Tracks Dramatic Rise in Support for Gay Marriage (full pdf here)

More Americans Sympathize with Israel, Don’t Want U.S. to Lead Peace Talks (full pdf here)

Large Racial Gap Marks Trust on Immigration (full pdf here)

Drops in Approval & Trust on Economy End Obama’s Post-Election Honeymoon (full pdf here)

Some Gun Measures Broadly Backed But the Politics Show an Even Split (full pdf here)

On Eve of Conclave, Record Criticism of Church for Its Handling of Sexual Abuse Scandals (full pdf here)

February 2013

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

On the Brink of the Budget Sequester, More Damage for the GOP than Obama (full pdf here)

Outgoing Pope Popular, But Not as Much as His Predecessor (full pdf here)

Americans Unhappy With System Overall, But Obama’s Policies Beat Out GOP’s (full pdf here)

Poll Finds a Boost for Obama on Handling Immigration (full pdf here)

January 2013

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Obama’s Favorability Best Since ’09; 2-1 Approval for Inaugural Address (full pdf here)

Majority Sees Obama’s Gun Control Plan Favorably (full pdf here)

Clinton More Popular than Biden; Let the 2016 Handicapping Begin (full pdf here)

Public Lukewarm on Cliff Deal, But Obama Bests Boehner (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Better Job Rating, Advantage on Debt Limit Mark the Start of Obama’s Second Term (full pdf here)

More Support Than Oppose Hagel (full pdf here)

On Eve of Newtown Recommendations, Most Back New Gun Control Measures (full pdf here)

December 2012

ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Despite Hints of Recovery, Optimism’s Scarce for the Yeah Ahead (full pdf here)

Fixing the GOP: Party Like It’s 1949 (full pdf here)

Few Back U.S. Military Role in Syria – But Support Jumps in Specific Cases (full pdf here)

Obama Holds Most Cards in Cliff Talks, But With No Mandate – and Risks Aplenty (full pdf here)

Many See Societal Issues in CT Shootings; Most Back Ban on High-Capacity Clips (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Obama Tops Boehner on Budget Talks, With Much Broader Support (full pdf here)

Hillary Clinton Wins High Popularity, Majority Support for a 2016 Bid (full pdf here)

November 2012

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Among Cliff-Avoidance Options Most Favor Targeting the Wealthy (full pdf here)

Petraeus’ Image Takes a Hit; Split Views on the FBI’s Approach (full pdf here)

Majority Supports Path to Citizenship; Greater Division on Other Social Issues (full pdf here)

2012 ABC News Exit Poll Analysis:

A Draw on the Economy, a Win on Empathy – and the Face of a Changing Nation

ABC News/Washington Post Daily Tracking polls:

A Slim Edge Opens for Obama As the Closest Contest Concludes (full pdf here)

Leadership Ratings Help Obama; 50 Percent Approval, Not So Much (full pdf here)

Romney Rises in Favorability; Obama’s Pushback is Intesity (full pdf here)

55% “Wrong Track” Matches 2004; A Difficulty for Obama, but Survivable (full pdf here)

Romney Leads in Confidence on Recovery – But Obama Escapes Most Economic Blame (full pdf here)


October 2012

ABC News/Washington Post Daily Tracking polls:

Storm Response Earns Obama Praise Amid the Election’s Deadlock Drama (full pdf here)

Tighter Gender Gap, Sharper Partisanship – But No Change in the Bottom Line (full pdf here)

Edge on the Middle Class Helps Obama Counterpunch (full pdf here)

2012 Presidential Race Is its Own Perfect Storm (full pdf here)

Even Split on Economic Plans Marks a So-Close 2012 Contest (full pdf here)

Obama, Romney Tie in Voter Outreach, a Closer Ground Game Than in ’08 (full pdf here)

Romney Hits the 50 Percent Mark, with a Clear Edge on the Economy (full pdf here)

Romney Takes Lead on Economy; White Men are the Movers (full pdf here)

Romney Ekes Out Bragging Rights; For Obama, Approval Slips Below 50% (full pdf here)

Debate Ahead, Romney Gains on Int’l Afffairs – But Continues to Lag on Economic Priorities (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Enthusiasm Rises for Romney; Obama Has a ‘Right-Track’ Retort (full pdf here)

Married Women Lead the Way in End-of-Life Discussions (full pdf here)

Obama Leads on Expectations – But the Race Itself Stays Close (full pdf here)


Blog post:

Election 2012: No Fun for the Middle (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post polls:

In the Battle of the Spouses, Romney’s Up, But Obama Leads (full pdf here)

A Popularity High for Romney – but Ditto for Obama (full pdf here)

Lackluster Popularity Dogs the Political Parties (full pdf here)

September 2012

Blog post:

Before the Debates: A Polling Review (full pdf here)

Persuadable Voters (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Criticism of Romney’s Campaign Grows; Six in 10 Rate His Efforts Negatively (full pdf here)

Obama Resurfaces in Favorability, Re-opening the Popularity Gap (full pdf here)

Obama’s Popularity Dips Underwater; For Romney, a Faint Favorability Bounce (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Super PAC Spending: Who’s Helped? (full pdf here)

Obama Gains a Convention Boost – But Not Among Likely Voters (full pdf here)

August 2012

Blog post:

Persuadable Voters

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Low Favorability Trails Romney Up to the Convention Dais (full pdf here)

Ryan Stalls on Popularity But Biden Does No Better (full pdf here)

Near-Even Split on Ryan – But With Positive Movement (full pdf here)

Romney’s Popularity Stays Low, Obama’s is Better, but with Challenges (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Solid Chances, Serious Challenges Greet Romney at his Convention (full pdf here)

July 2012

ABC News/Washington Post polls:

Obama’s Weak, Romney’s Weaker in Campaign Performance Ratings (full pdf here)

Public Divides on ACA Ruling, But Romney’s Plans Fall Shorter (full pdf here)


ABC News/Washington Post poll:

Race, Religion and Politics: A Look at the Election Impacts (full pdf here)

Dead Heat in Vote Preferences Presages an Epic Battle Ahead (full pdf here)