DRI-The Voice of the Defense Bar today began releasing results from their fourth annual national survey of public attitudes on the U.S. civil justice system. Among other results, the survey, produced by Langer Research Associates, finds broad public opposition to legislative and executive interference in the work of the courts. See the DRI National Poll Highlights here.

Fusion today released the first in a new series of polls of millennials we are producing for the network. Focused on social and political issues of concern to the millennial generation, the Fusion issues poll will be an ongoing fixture in the election year ahead. Fusion, a joint venture between Univision Communications Inc. and Disney/ABC, is a multi-platform media company that champions a young, diverse and inclusive world.

The first installment finds overwhelming support for birthright citizenship and for a pathway to legal status for undocumented immigrants who arrive in the United States as children. Millennials also broadly reject the suggestion that undocumented immigrants take jobs others want. And the survey finds that four in 10 millennials say they personally know someone whom they believe is an undocumented immigrant. See Fusion’s report here.

On the publication front, Research Analyst Chad Kiewiet de Jonge’s article “Who Lies About Electoral Gifts? Experimental Evidence from Latin America” was published in the fall issue of Public Opinion Quarterly, the flagship peer-reviewed journal of the American Association for Public Opinion Research. The article reports on a series of survey experiments on vote buying included in 10 post-electoral surveys in eight Latin American countries. Kiewiet de Jonge shows that misreporting of the practice is higher among more educated citizens, those who are sensitive to perceptions of socioeconomic status and in countries where electoral gifts and favors are more valuable.

Our latest ABC News/Washington Post poll out this week covers the 2016 election, views on Kim Davis’ refusal to issue gay marriage licenses and the Iran nuclear deal. It’s received wide pickup beyond ABC and the Post, including the National Journal, the Huffington Post (here andhere), The Hill (here, here, and here), NBC News, Politico (here, here, here and here), the New York Post, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel,Newsweek, Time, AJC (here and here), the IBTimes, Xinhuanet and the Daily Mail. See our reports here.

Our ABC News/Washington Post poll on candidate favorability has been picked up by outlets including Politico, the Chicago Sun-Times and Fox News, among others – as well, of course, as ABC and the Post. It’s received more than 1,300 comments and 4,400 Facebook likes on ABCNews.com.

Our latest ABC News/Washington Post poll on the 2016 presidential contest has received wide attention this week, with coverage by a range of media outlets beyond ABC and the Post. Those include The EconomistUSA Today, Politico, Salon, CNN, Bloomberg News, The Christian Science Monitor, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journalthe Hill, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco Examiner, the Boston Globe, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and… yes, People magazine. At ABCNews.com, our piece has received more than 1,450 comments, 2,400 Facebook likes and 975 tweets.

We’re pleased to announce the addition of Chad P. Kiewiet de Jonge to our team of research analysts, as well as two promotions of existing staff.

Kiewiet de Jonge is an expert in elections, survey methodology and international public opinion, with experience designing, implementing and analyzing surveys in domestic and international settings. He received doctoral and master’s degrees in political science from the University of Notre Dame and joins us from the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico City, where he served as an assistant professor of political science. Chad previously spent four years as a graduate research assistant at the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago.

Among our existing staff:

  • Julie E. Phelan, Ph.D., has been promoted to the position of vice president. Phelan has been with our company since its inception, serving as lead analyst, chief statistician and methodologist on a wide range of complex projects.
  • Gregory G. Holyk, Ph.D., has been promoted to the position of senior research analyst. He has taken a leading role in many projects, including our ongoing ABC News/Washington Post polls and our participation on behalf of ABC on the survey committee of the network news exit poll consortium.

Welcome to Chad, and congratulations to Julie and Greg!

Summing up four years of in-depth research for Blue Shield of California Foundation, Gary Langer gave the keynote address and participated in training workshops Friday and Saturday, June 19-20, at the Clinic Leadership Institute, a statewide training program sponsored by the Foundation and administered by the Center for the Health Professions at the University of California, San Francisco. Click here for the presentation, “Patient Engagement and Primary Care Redesign in California’s Safety Net Clinics.”

Survey results in the aggregate can conceal substantial variability among subgroups; it’s therefore wise for assessments of accuracy to include analysis of disaggregated as well as aggregated data. Daniel M. Merkle, executive director of elections at ABC News, presented just such an analysis at the annual meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, comparing group-level results of our final 2014 pre-election ABC News/Washington Post poll with results of the national exit poll on Election Day. (Exit poll results are weighted to the actual vote totals; pre-election polls, of course, are not.) See his findings here.