There’s news on the publication front for three of our staff members, stemming from their academic work before joining Langer Research Associates:

  • “The Impact of Neighborhood Park Access and Quality on Body Mass Index Among Adults in New York City,” co-authored by Christopher Weiss, has been published in the journal Preventive Medicine;
  • Gregory Holyk’s 2013 Political Science Quarterly article, “Paper Tiger? Chinese Soft Power in East Asia,” has been selected to appear in an edited book on China’s emergence, “China’s Great Leap Outward: Hard and Soft Dimensions of a Rising Power,” published by the Academy of Political Science;
  • “Mapping the Connections Between Politics and Morality: The Multiple Sociopolitical Orientations Involved in Moral Intuition,” co-authored by Damla Ergun, has been published in Political Psychology; and
  • Another article of Ergun’s, “Opposition to Equality and Support for Tradition as Mediators of the Relationship Between Epistemic Motivation and System-Justifying Identifications,” appears in the January 2014 issue of Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.

Congratulations to all!

The Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University today released a report by Langer Research Associates evaluating its pre-election polling in New Jersey’s U.S. Senate and gubernatorial elections last fall. See Rutgers-Eagleton’s announcement of the study here, our report here and coverage by the Newark Star-Ledger, the Philadelphia Inquirer, and the Huffington Post.

Blue Shield of California Foundation has posted a new web page with links to the full complement of our 2013-14 survey reports for the Foundation on primary care redesign and the health care experiences of low-income Californians. See it here, and see details in the next item.

Langer Research Associates will lead a webinar with Blue Shield of California Foundation at 12 p.m. Pacific/3 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, March 13, to present strategies for safety-net healthcare facilities to navigate the newly competitive marketplace brought about by the Affordable Care Act.

Drawing on a series of statewide surveys of low-income Californians conducted for the Foundation since 2011, we’ll offer key takeaways describing the drivers of patient engagement and satisfaction, including the critical elements of continuity, connectedness and strong patient-provider relationships. We’ll outline 10 concrete steps health centers can take to succeed in attracting, retaining and best serving the needs of low-income patients.

The Bloomberg® Consumer Comfort Index™, a long-running weekly survey of U.S. consumer sentiment produced by Langer Research Associates, is newly available from Langer Research on a subscription basis.

Bloomberg continues to brand the index, cover it in its news reports and distribute CCI data to Bloomberg Professional Service subscribers. Subscription products available directly from Langer Research include our weekly analysis of CCI results, historical data for the index overall and among groups, historical subindex data among groups and respondent-level datasets for advanced analytical purposes.

Additionally, in response to user requests, this spring we will be rebasing the index on a scale 0 to 100, rather than the current -100 to +100. This rebasing, aimed at greater ease of interpretation, will be produced via a simple algorithm and applied retrospectively to all past CCI data.

The Consumer Comfort Index is a continuous, 28-year-old weekly measure of consumer sentiment. Branded by Bloomberg under agreement with Langer Research Associates since 2011, the index is closely followed for its high-frequency measurement of the American public’s economic attitudes, its long-term trend and its concurrent and predictive validity in relation to a variety of other economic indicators. Research indicates the CCI’s potential utility in a range of predictive modeling applications.

Learn more about the CCI here, and for details please contact

Gary Langer appeared on Bloomberg TV’s “Street Smart” today to preview President Obama’s State of the Union address with Bloomberg’s Al Hunt, Douglas Holtz-Eakin of America Action Forum and hosts Trish Regan and Adam Johnson. See how we did… and who needs a haircut… here.

Our latest ABC News/Washington Post poll covers the president’s standings in advance of the State of the Union address, as well as the party’s positions in this midterm election year. See it here.

DRI – The Voice of the Defense Bar has released a national survey of attitudes on the civil justice system produced for the defense attorneys’ association by Langer Research Associates. Among other results, the national, random-sample survey finds that Americans overwhelmingly oppose two common but controversial practices in class-action lawsuits – the automatic enrollment of plaintiffs on an opt-out basis and the use of low-value coupon settlements. Two-thirds also say individuals should be required to show actual harm by a company’s products or actions, rather than only the potential for harm, in order to join a class-action lawsuit. And just half see most class-action suits currently filed in the United States as justified.

See DRI’s news release here, and the full analysis here.

Bloomberg Television viewers were subjected to an hourlong appearance by Gary Langer today on “In the Loop” with Stephanie Ruhle, Adam Johnson and Mike McKee. The wide-ranging conversation included discussion of public opinion on topics including the popularity of Pope Francis, the weather, the JPMorgan/Bernie Madoff settlement, consumer sentiment, presidential approval and what the heck polls are good for, anyway.

Blue Shield of California Foundation today released “Health Care in California: Leveling the Playing Field,” a report by Langer Research Associates focused on practical ways to narrow the difference in healthcare experiences between low- and higher-income Californians.

While a broad gap in healthcare satisfaction exists between these groups, the study finds that it is explained chiefly by the nature of patients’ relationships with their caregivers, not by their income levels. Innovative efforts to enhance patients’ connection and continuity with their care facilities and improve patient-provider relationships thus can attenuate or even eliminate the income gap in care experiences.

The report is the latest in an ongoing series for the Foundation produced by Langer Research since 2011. See the Foundation’s news release here, and the full report here.