Gary Langer shared a news Emmy nomination today with a group of ABC News producers, analysts and correspondents responsible for “Vote 2010,” ABC’s 2010 election-night coverage. The nomination, for Outstanding Live Coverage of a Current News Story, is Langer’s ninth since 2004. Langer directed ABC’s election-night Analysis Desk, analyzing and reporting on exit poll results. The 2010 analysis team included Mollyann Brodie, Claudia Deane, Rich Morin, Patrick Moynihan, Julie Phelan, David Tully and Darya Isham.
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Health Affairs magazine posted an item today covering the Washington, D.C., presentation of our survey of low-income Californians for Blue Shield of California Foundation (see item below). See also this commentary on our BSCF survey by Dr. Ricky Choi, a CCHC physician in Oakland, Ca., published July 21 on SFGate, the San Francisco Chronicle website.
Blue Shield of California Foundation today released an extensive statewide survey by Langer Research Associates measuring the healthcare preferences of low-income Californians. BSCF’s news release introduced our highly detailed, 120-page report as follows:
“With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, millions of low-income Californians will have access to coverage through Medi-Cal expansion or through the newly created Health Benefits Exchange. Little is known about what this population needs or wants as they become integrated into the healthcare delivery system as individuals with health insurance. A new Blue Shield of California Foundation statewide survey of low-income adults provides fresh insights into how Californians below 200 percent of the federal poverty level might take advantage of the health coverage expansion provided through national health reform. The results of this study, conducted by Langer Research Associates, have major implications for how community clinics and other safety net providers adapt to meet this population’s expectation of improved coverage, greater choice, and better quality.”
See the full study here.
Gary Langer participated in a panel discussion of the June 13 New Hampshire debate among Republican presidential candidates on the Public Radio International program “To the Point” with Warren Olney; hear it here.
Our latest ABC News/Washington Post poll was covered this week by numerous media outlets and publications including the National Journal, Politico, Huffington Post, PBS, Fox News, Bloomberg, NPR and The Telegraph.
At the annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research this week we’re giving a paper by Julie E. Phelan and Gary Langer on the concurrent and predictive validity of the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index, as well as presentations on the 2010 midterm elections and public opinion in Yemen. Gary Langer also served as moderator of the conference’s plenary session on immigration, with panelists Henry Cisneros, former HUD secretary and mayor of San Antonio; Prof. Rodolpho de la Garza of Columbia University; and Frank Newport of the Gallup Organization.
For our take on the meaning behind the “birther” controversy, see coverage in the Atlantic and on Public Radio International’s“To the Point” with Warren Olney.
Our new ABC News/Washington Post poll has received coverage this week from news outlets including the National Journal, Politico,The Atlantic, The Hill, CNN and Fox News – as well as, naturally, ABC and the Post themselves.
Click here for details of Gary Langer’s presentation of polling intelligence from Yemen and Afghanistan at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., with links to video of the talk, PowerPoint slides and a separate interview on polling standards with Tony Cordesman, CSIS Burke Chair in Strategy.
Our latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has been covered this week by publications including USA Today, The Christian Science Monitor, Politico, Agence France-Presse and Politics Daily, and Gary Langer discussed the results on Public Radio International’s “To the Point” with Warren Olney.